
Musical Mayhem et. al.

Fun to do - try opening a fifth program while working in two databases and listening to Roy Orbison. If he weren't dead, he'd make a great rap artist. Oh wait - because he's dead, I'm sure that will just make it easier for some rap artist to thieve his recordings and add some contrite lyrics about how sad they are about the loss of a womanizing murderous drug dealer. Is that still in style? I only listen to NPR anymore, so my commentary on rap could be way outdated or limited to knowledge about some hip ghetto gang in the Peruvian desert. If so, I apologize.

My computer is dragging today. I know it is probably filled with spyware thanks to unique websites I've visited trying to find things like "Cream Cheese Candy Molds, Rubber" and "Cervical Extrication Collars". The second search was actually related to work, which is quite a triumph for me considering I'm mere DAYS away from my wedding.. For probably the past six months, I've been thinking the word "cervical" referred to the cervix of the uterus which really confused me. Until I looked it up, I kept thinking what kind of collar do they need to extricate a cervix - yeee-ouch! Yeah - I'm an idiot. Cervical Extrication Collars are clearly for the neck. Anyhow, just thought I'd share that. Sometimes, my job is way over my head and with my mind in the gutter, well, it makes for interesting days.

To try and help me focus while at work, I'm wearing my big headphones. Even though I sit in an office and have the ability to close my door, we have an interruptive culture in the workplace, so the only way I've figured out to convey "leave me the fuck alone" is by donning gigantic headphones. If you are sitting in a cube or office hating all the interruptions you get from people, buy a pair of these bad boys. People get all nervous about interrupting you and will think twice before asking you stupid questions. Plus, you can listen to Eddie Izzard and giggle to yourself. Do you have a flag?

I just looked at the clock, and I can't believe that it is almost 5:00 pm. I hate to be all "where'd the day go?" because I know the answer, but seriously. It feels like it was just fifteen minutes ago that I was actually being productive at work, but I know I've been goofing off for at least an hour now. Normally, I'd start in on another project and work until it was dark (which is only like 5:26 pm in the Midwest these days), but I know we have to go pick out program paper tonight, finish laundry, finish picking music for the wedding, select our GD first dance song... wait, I'll stop there...

Last night, while folding laundry (I haven't done laundry in almost a month so this is a week long project), I decided that The Boy and I would listen to all of my lovey dovey type CDs so that we could select a song for our first dance. Only my CD collection doesn't contain much music like that. If you are into Ben Folds Five or Beastie Boys, I've got oddles of music, but if you are looking for Peabo Bryson, you're going to have to look somewhere else. I realized, too, that my CD collection is dominated by all of the crappy alternative rock CDs I got for free when I worked at the Former Greatest Alternative Rock Radio Station Ever�. Before I lapse into a myriad of fond memories about the ol' station, I'll move on. (P.S. - I was only a business manager, not one of the near-idol like DJ's that worked there). ANYHOW.... In addition to the alternative rock CDs from bands you may have barely heard of like Two Skinny J's and David Garza (love him), I have an odd collection of old school music. I actually own a CD that contains the theme to the movie Six Pack. The next thing you know, I'm deejaying the worst mix of music, EVER. At one point, I went from "Little Latin Lupe Lu" by the Righteous Brothers to "Lady" by Kenny Rogers and then onto "You're the Inspiration" by Chicago. I almost broke out the Barry Manilow, but I don't think The Boy could've taken it. He is something of a music snob and only listens to bands you've never heard of, but "should have" like Guided by Voices and Soundtrack of Our Lives. Sigh. This should be an interesting fusion of music. I wonder what he'll think of a Lionel Richie's Greatest Hits CD leaning against his precious Radiohead UK edit...

By the way, I mentioned the notify list yesterday, and one more person signed up. So I'm wondering... If I mention the Guestbook, does that make y'all wanna go sign it???

5:00 p.m. - October 21, 2004


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