
Rocky Mountain Truffles

I just swiped a "Colorado Chocolate Truffle" from the water cooler area of my office, and for whatever reason, right as I bit into it, I thought, "Rocky Mountain Oyster." I've never eaten a Rocky Mountain Oyster, but I'm pretty darn sure that the flavor of said "oyster" would've been drastically different than the bittersweet chocolate I just ate. It is weird how the mind works, eh?

I finally heard back from the hotel where we held our wedding and learned that I earned 36,972 reward points for my wedding. Sweet! I then navigated to hotel's web site and found that I didn't earn quite enough points to enjoy a single night in their nicest hotel. I could, however, spend a whole week in their shittiest hotel for that many points. Funny how that chart works. With my business travel requirements resetting in the new year, I think I'll try to be incredibly vigilant in my hotel choices so as to ensure maximum pointage. Last year, I was a bit of a slacker, and stayed in some pretty shitty places earning absolutely no points. Dumb dumb dumb.

Last night, I settled into my spot on the couch with a plate full of nachos I made in my new toaster oven. I love my toaster oven. It is fantabulous. The tortilla chips were still nice and crispy while the cheese soft and gooey. I might just cry now. Once finished consuming the nachos, I tried to get through a few thankoliday you cards. I think I completed six, masterfully blending warm wishes for the holiday season with deep gratitude for the lovely gifts we received. I would've been more inspired to write warm Christmassy thoughts, however my dear husband is slacking in the Christmas tree department. He refuses to allow a fake tree in the house and insists we'll get a live tree, but then every time I ask about getting a live tree, there's something else to do. I'm also keen on putting Christmas lights up on the outside of the house, however he indicated that unless they are done correctly, they look very tacky. If I don't get a tree, he'd best prepare himself for what tacky looks like come next holiday season. Plastic nativity scene with a football-shaped baby Jesus and the virgin Mary in a bathtub? I'll take two, please.

I finally remembered to bring in the remaining pictures from our honeymoon which once again reminds me that I am unforgivably trapped in the cold bleakness of yet another Midwestern winter. Last night was particularly cold, encouraging Eli to sleep as close to me as possible. He actually lays his little catten head on the pillow and puts the rest of his body under the blankets just like humans do. This would be adorable, except that he snores. I'm not shitting you, my cat snores. Do they have feline breathe right strips? I suppose Eli's just getting back at me for this picture - doesn't he just look miserable - like he's saying "shoot me now?" Hee hee.

2:24 p.m. - December 14, 2004


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